Examinations - Rules for Promotion to Next Year

Promotion/Passing Rules for B.Tech. (4 Yr. Course) & B.Arch. (5 Yr. Course)

Session: 2013-14

A. Maximum Duration of Course:
Must Pass the 4 year B.Tech.Course with a maximum duration of 8 years (for B.Arch. 10 Years) in maximum 4 chances in each subject.

B. Passing Percentage:
(i) Term Test                  NIL
(ii) End Term/ Sessional    33%
(iii) Total of (i) & (ii)        40%

C. Promotion Rules:
A Student may be promoted to the higher class only when he/she has passed at least in 25% of the theory papers and 25% of the practical and sessional subjects, separately (combined for the both semester of the year).