Teaching Aids
BMIT has always been pioneer in using and experimenting the most recent and advanced teaching tools available with a sole aim of providing the best possible teaching scenario to its students.
Some of the pioneering key initiatives taken by BMIT in this field include:
Availability of tests, quiz, assignment and work sheets over the college intranet for easy student access. Test/Quiz result are displayed online and the overall standing of the student is displayed online, once the student has completed the quiz/test/assignment and submitted online.
Inter-disciplinary study material related to other streams of engineering, personality development and all walks of life is available to students online.
Faculty members use power point presentations and graphic shows over LCD monitors in the classroom to provide an insight of the subject material to the students.
Frequent industrial/corporate visits form a part of the regular curriculum to give a feel of the real corporate environment
Periodic guest lectures by eminent personality from teaching and corporate world are organized for students to interact and garner knowledge from their expertise.
Hard bound Laboratory manuals prepared by the experienced Faculty members of the institute are accessible to students. These manuals are prepared as per the specific Lab requirements and provides students an opportunity to learn in detail the given experiment, its implications, its industrial use and its reach beyond.