Hostel Rules & Regulations
1. Students must be disciplined and follow all the rules and regulations given by the warden.
2. Students must be in their rooms before 10.15 pm. After 10.15 pm, no student is supposed to be in corridors and other students’ rooms, if found then the student will be penalized by Rs 100.
3. Students have to attend all the classes in college. They cannot take leave without prior permission or else he will be panelized by Rs 100.
4. Students are not allowed to take out any crockery from the mess without written permission; if crockery is found in rooms then he will be penalized by Rs.100.
5. Sports facility either indoor or outdoor will be available form 4:00 PM to 7:30PM.
6. Timing for T.V. rooms is from 4:00 PM to 10:00PM.
7. Mess timings should be strictly followed by the students. They must maintain high level of discipline and silence in the mess.
8. Students must maintain high level of cleanliness in the hostel as well as college; they should not write any thing on the furniture walls and doors etc. If found writing then student will be penalized by Rs 100.
9. All the students should keep the hostel and rooms neat and clean and also all accessories at proper place. Hostel will be inspected by college authority, and at any time if rooms are founds dirty then he will be penalized by Rs 200.
10. If any students is founds taking tobacco, cigarettes or liquor in hostel as well as in college campus and if anyone is having unauthorized articles (boiler, iron, cigarettes, liquor, Emerson, weapons etc.) then he will be penalized by Rs 200. If any students is found using liquor then he will be terminated from hostel without any discussion.
11. Students are not supposed to leave the college campus without permission. Outing will be allowed till 07:15 PM. Student should return before 08:00PM, otherwise the student will be penalized by Rs 100/-.
12. The timings to get outgoing slip signed are:- From 7:00 AM to 7:30 AM & From 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM.
13. Stranger/guest or day scholar students are not allowed to enter in the hostel building, without the permission of warden or college administration. Only one guardian or parent is permitted to meet on Sunday only. If anybody is found without prior permission, then will be penalized by Rs 200/-.
14. If any hosteller is found making noise and indulged in indisciplinary activity in the hostel then he will be penalized by Rs 200. Also if anyone is found making loud sound by musical instruments then the instrument will be forfeited by the hostel warden and penalized by Rs 100/-.
15. Students are not supposed to misuse and damage the hostel and College assets. They are supposed to switch off the fans; lights and close the water taps properly when not in use. If any article / asset / property found damaged or being misused then concerning student will be panelized by Rs 200/-.
16. Students are required to keep the room locked and should not keep any costly item or large amount of money in the room. They themselves will be responsible for any loss due to their own carelessness.
17. All the students are advised not to jump over the hostel and college boundaries. If any body found jumping over the boundaries then he will be restricted from hostel.
18. If any hosteller is found misbehaving with the mess staff and hostel wardens then he will be penalized by the amount Rs 200/-, and strict action will be taken against him.
19. Students are not supposed to play cards in hostel, if found then they will be penalized by Rs 500/- each.
20. Students are strictly prohibited to go at hostel roof, if found then he will be penalized by Rs 200/-.
21. Student are supposed to put bed sheets on mattresses and pillow covers on pillows, otherwise the student will be penalized by Rs 200/-.
Note: The fine amount will be deposited to warden within two days. If any one is not depositing the fine then he will not be allowed to attend the classes as well as labs and the fine amount will get doubled. If any one is repeating the activities then it may be counted as serious offense and the decision of the committee will be final.