A Day at BMIT

BMIT provides an excellent student-centered environment which is highly conducive to the learning of new skills. Every step taken at BMIT is student oriented, keeping the interest of the students on top priority. Ragging is strictly prohibited in the campus.

The institute is ideally situated in the heart of IT Park thus giving students an advantage of keeping in touch with the Industry. Students from all discipline live together in the hostel, which helps in developing a healthy and cordial relationship among students. Furthermore, students from different learning backgrounds come together and provide a very healthy competitive environment among themselves, where everybody is benefited by the qualities and traits they learn from each other. At BMIT, administration take inputs from students for various routines and procedures, students manage every facet of their lives viz. their food, their hostel, student community interacts with the administration of the Institute, student grievance/reprisal cell, coordination of sports and cultural activities etc. In addition, the students almost have complete in charge of the facilities that are offered by the college by being part of Student Activity Center (SAC), the Apex body for all extra and cocurricular activities in the institute.

The campus is Wireless-Fidelity enabled. Students in the campus can now access internet from anywhere using their wireless devices. The online resources include internet, notes, slides, various notices, schedules and virtually every facet of their campus life.

A typical day at BMIT is fully charged up with events centered at academics and beyond. BMIT organizes the Cultural and Technical Fests on regular basis, which draws enormous participation from the students. These Fests not only enable students to evaluate themselves and realize where they stand, but also provides them a wonderful opportunity for learning and developing their skills. It is with this view, that extracurricular activities are conducted regularly and year long, to enable students to discover and nurture their skills in various fields apart from academics. Technical activities are also held on a regular basis to promote excellence in technical skills amongst student body.

These activities are completely organized and managed by the student community under the broader umbrella of Student Activity Center under the guidance of Faculty Members.