Unit-1 Introduction: CPU, address bus, data bus and control bus. Input/Output devices, buffers, encoders, latches and memories. Brief introduction to comparison of different features in 8085 and 8086 microprocessors.
Unit-2 8085 Microprocessor Architecture: Internal Data Operations and Registers, Pins and Signals, Peripheral Devices and Memory Organization, Interrupts.
Unit-3 8085 Microprocessor Instructions: Classification, Format and Timing. Instruction Set. Programming and Debugging, 8 Bit And 16 Bit Instructions.
Unit-4 8085 Microprocessor Interfacing: 8259, 8257, 8255, 8253, 8155 chips and their applications. A/D conversion, memory, keyboard and display interface (8279).
Unit-5 Basic Computer Architecture: Central Processing Unit, memory and input/output interfacing. Memory Classification: Volatile and non-volatile memory, Primary and secondary memory, Static and Dynamic memory, Logical, Virtual and Physical memory. Types of memory: Magnetic core memory, binary cell, Rom architecture and different types of ROM, RAM architecture, PROM, PAL, PLA, Flash and Cache memory, SDRAM, RDRAM and DDRAM. Memory latency, memory bandwidth, memory seek time.

Reference/Suggested Books
1. Gaonkar, Ramesh S, “Microprocessor Architecture, programming and applications with the 8085” Pen ram International Publishing 5th Ed.
2. Douglas Hall: Microprocessors and Interfacing, Revised Second Edition (SIE) TMH
3. Mathur A P -Introduction to Microprocessors , TMH
4. Ray, A.K. & Burchandi, K.M., “Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals: Architecture, Programaming and Interfacing” Tata Mc. Graw Hill.
5. Krishna Kant, “Microprocessors and Microcontrollers” PHI Learning.
6. Brey, Barry B. “INTEL Microprocessors” Prentice Hall ( India)
7. M. Rafiquzzaman, “Microprocessors- Theory and applications” PHI
8. B. Ram, “Advanced Microprocessor & Interfacing” Tata McGraw Hill
9. Liu and Gibson G.A., “Microcomputer Systems: The 8086/8088 Family” PHI