Unit-1 Basic Principles of Electrical Machine Design: Specifications, Factors affecting the design,
Limitations, main dimension, loadings, output equation, factor affecting the size and rating,
Electrical Engineering Materials: conducting, magnetic and insulating materials. Magnetic
Circuit Calculation: Ohm’s law for magnetic circuit, mmf required for air gap and iron parts,
tapered teeth, real and apparent flux density, magnetizing current.
Unit-2 Heating and Cooling of Electrical Machines: heat dissipation and heat flow equations,
Newton’s law of cooling, equations for temperature rise, Rating of Machines: Continuous,
short and intermittent ratings, mean temperature rise, hydrogen cooling of turbo alternators,
quantity of cooling medium.
Unit-3 Computer Aided Design of Transformers: Power and Distribution Transformers, core and
yoke cross sections, square and stepped core, output equations, main dimensions, types &,
design of windings, optimization concepts.
Unit-4 Computer Aided Design of Synchronous Machines: Turbo and Hydro alternators, choice of
specific magnetic & electric loading, short circuit ratio and its effects, air gap length, output
equation, main dimensions, flow charts for design of synchronous machine, design of stator core & winding.
Unit-5 Computer Aided Design of Induction Machines: Output equation, main dimensions, design
criteria, flow charts for design of induction motor, air gap length, design of stator core and
winding, rotor design.
Reference/Suggested Books
1. A. K. Sawhney, “A Course in Electrical Machine Design” Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
2. Generalized theory of electrical Machines by B. Edikins.
3. Electrical Machinery by Fitzegerald; Kingsley.
4. M.G. Say, “The Performance and Design of AC Machines” Pitman & Sons.
5. R.K. Agrawal – Electrical Machine Design