Unit-1 (i)Electric Heating: Different methods of electric heating. Principle of high frequency
induction and di-electric heating. Construction, operation, performance and applications of arc
furnace and induction furnace. (ii) Electric Welding: Welding process, welding transformer,
Classification of Electric Welding: arc welding, resistance welding, welding of various metals.
Unit-2 Illuminations: Definitions, laws of illuminations, polar curves, luminous efficiency,
photometer, incandescent lamps: filament materials, halogen lamp. electric discharge lamps:
sodium vapour lamp mercury vapour lamp and fluorescent lamp. Light Calculations:
commercial, industrial, street and flood lighting.
Unit-3 Electrolytic Process: Principles and applications of electrolysis, electro-deposition,
manufactures of chemicals, anodizing, electro polishing electro-cleaning, electroextraction,
electrorefinig, electro-stripping (parting) power supplies for electrolytic process.
Unit-4 Electric Traction & Means of Supplying Power: Systems of Electric Traction: DC & AC
Systems, Power Supply for Electric Traction System: Comparison and application of different
systems. Sub-station equipment and layout, conductor rail & pantograph.
Unit-5 Traction Methods: Types of services, speed time and speed distance curves, estimation of
power and energy requirements, Mechanics of train movement. Co-efficient of adhesion,
Adhesive weight, effective weight. Traction Motor Controls: DC and AC traction motors,
Series parallel starting. Methods of electric braking of traction motors.
Suggested Readings:
1. H. Partab,“Art and Science of Electrical Energy” Dhanpat Rai & Sons
2. H. Partab, “Modern Electric Traction” Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
3. C.L. Wadhwa – Utilization of Electric Traction Electric Power.
4. G.K.Dubey,“Fundamentals of Electric Drives” Narosa Publishing House
5. Vedam and Subrahmanyam – Concept & Application of Electric Drives (TMH)