Unit 1
Impedance and Admittance Functions: The concept of complex frequency, transform impedance and admittance, series and parallel combinations.
Unit 2
Network Functions: Terminals and terminal pairs, driving point impedance transfer functions, poles and zeros. Restrictions on pole and zero location in s-plane. Time domain behavior from pole and zero plot. Procedure for finding network functions for general two terminal pair networks
Unit 3
Network Synthesis: Hurwitz polynomial, positive real functions, reactive networks. Separation property for reactive networks. The four-reactance function forms, specification for reactance function. Foster form of reactance networks. Cauer form of reactance networks. Synthesis of RL and R-C networks in Foster and Cauer forms.
Unit 4
Two Port General Networks: Two port parameters (impedance, admittance, hybrid, ABCD parameters) and their inter relations. Equivalence of two ports. Transformer equivalent, inter connection of two port networks. The ladder network, image impedance, image transfer function, application to L-C network, attenuation and phase shift in symmetrical T and pi networks.
Unit 5
Two Port Reactive Network (Filters): Constant K filters. The m-derived filter. Image impedance of m-derived half (or L) sections, composite filters. Bands pass and band elimination filters. The problem of termination, lattice filters, Barlett’s bisection theorem. Introduction to active filters.
Suggested Readings:
1. M. E. Van Valkenburg, “An Introduction to Modern Network Synthesis”, Wiley Eastern
2. Nagsarkar&Sukhija, “Circuits & Networks’, Oxford
3. ChoudharyD.Roy, “Network & Systems”, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
4. Ghosh&Chakrabarti, “Network Analysis and Synthesis”, TMH
5. SamarajitGhosh, “Network Theory: Analysis and Synthesis”, Prentice Hall of India, 2008
6. A.Chakrabarti, “Circuit Theory”, DhanpatRai& Co.
7. UmeshSinha, “Transmission Lines and Networks”, Satyaprakashan.
8. Murthy and Kamath, “Basic Circuit Analysis”, Jaico Publishing House.