Units | Contents of the subjects |
Photogrammetry: Definition of Photogrammetric Terms, Geometry of aerial and terrestrial photographs, Aerial camera and photo-theodolite, Scale of a Photograph, Tilt and Height displacements, Stereoscopic vision and stereoscopes, Height determination from parallax measurements, Flight planning, Maps and Map substitutes and their uses. | |
Remote Sensing: Introduction and definition of remote sensing terms, Remote Sensing System, Electromagnetic radiation and spectrum, Spectral signature, Atmospheric windows. | |
Different types of platforms, sensors and their characteristics, Orbital parameters of a satellite, Multi concept in Remote Sensing. |
Image Interpretation: Principles of interpretation of aerial and satellite images, equipments and aids required for interpretation, ground truth – collection and verification, advantages of multidate and multiband images. Digital Image Processing concept. | |
Geographic Information System (GIS) : Introduction & applications of GIS in map revision, Land use, Agriculture, Forestry, Archaeology, Municipal, Geology, water resources, Soil Erosion, Land suitability analysis, change detection. |
Suggested Readings:
1- Basics of Remote Sensing & GIS by Dr. S.Kumar , Univertsity Sc. Press.
2- Geographic Information System by Kang Tsung Chang, Tata Mc Graw Hills.
3- Remote Sensing and GIS by Legg.C.A., Ellis Horwood, London.
4- Remote sensing and GIS by Bhatt Oxford University Press.