Units | Contents of the subjects |
Influence line diagram & Rolling load: ILD for beams & frames, Muller-Breslau principle and its application for drawing ILD, Rolling load, maximum stress resultants in a member/section, absolute maximum stress resultant in a structure. | |
Arches: analysis of three hinged two hinged and fixed type parabolic arches with supports at the same level and at different levels. | |
Cable and Suspension bridges: Analysis of cables with concentrated and continuous loading, analysis of two & three hinged stiffening girder. | |
Unsymmetrical bending: Definition, location of NA, computation of stresses and deflection, shear center and its location, Theories of Failures | |
Introduction to matrix method, Force displacement relation, flexibility and stiffness coefficients, relation between flexibility and stiffness matrices, system approach of flexibility method and stiffness method, coordinate transformation matrix, rotation matrix, element and global stiffness matrix for pin jointed structures and beam element in 2D only. |
Suggested Readings:
1- Mechanics of Structures Vol. I & II by S.B. Junarkar & Shah, Charotar Publishing House.
2- Theory of Structures by B.C. Purnmia, Laxmi Publication (P) Ltd.
3- Theory of Structures by Timoshenko, Mc Graw Hill Book Co.
4- Structural Analysis by Ghali & Neville, E&FN Spon.
5- Structural Analysis by Hibbler R.C., Pearsons