Units | Contents of the subjects |
Distributed Systems: Features of distributed systems, nodes of a distributed system, Distributed
computation paradigms, Model of distributed systems, Types of Operating systems:
Centralized Operating System, Network Operating Systems, Distributed Operating Systems
and Cooperative Autonomous Systems, design issues in distributed operating systems.
Systems Concepts and Architectures: Goals, Transparency, Services, Architecture Models,
Distributed Computing Environment (DCE).[1.2]
Theoretical issues in distributed systems: Notions of time and state, states and events in a
distributed system, time, clocks and event precedence, recording the state of distributed systems.[2] |
Concurrent Processes and Programming: Processes and Threads, Graph Models for Process Representation, Client/Server Model, Time Services, Language Mechanisms for Synchronization, Object Model Resource Servers, Characteristics of Concurrent Programming Languages (Language not included).[1] Inter-process Communication and Coordination: Message Passing, Request/Reply and Transaction Communication, Name and Directory services, RPC and RMI case studies.[1] | |
Distributed Process Scheduling: A System Performance Model, Static Process Scheduling with
Communication, Dynamic Load Sharing and Balancing, Distributed Process
Distributed File Systems: Transparencies and Characteristics of DFS, DFS Design and
implementation, Transaction Service and Concurrency Control, Data and File
Replication.[1,2] Case studies: Sun network file systems, General Parallel file System and Window’s file systems. Andrew and Coda File Systems [2,3] |
Distributed Shared Memory: Non-Uniform Memory Access Architectures, Memory Consistency Models, Multiprocessor Cache Systems, Distributed Shared Memory, Implementation of DSM systems.[1] Models of Distributed Computation: Preliminaries, Causality, Distributed Snapshots, Modeling a Distributed Computation, Failures in a Distributed System, Distributed Mutual Exclusion, Election, Distributed Deadlock handling, Distributed termination detection. [1] | |
Distributed Agreement: Concept of Faults, failure and recovery, Byzantine Faults, Adversaries, Byzantine Agreement, Impossibility of Consensus and Randomized Distributed Agreement.[1] Replicated Data Management: concepts and issues, Database Techniques, Atomic Multicast, and Update Propagation.[1] CORBA case study: Introduction, Architecture, CORBA RMI, CORBA Services.[3] |
1. Distributed operating systems and algorithm analysis by Randy Chow and T. Johnson,
2. Operating Systems A concept based approach by DM Dhamdhere, TMH
3. Distributed Systems- concepts and Design, Coulouris G., Dollimore J, and Kindberg T.,