3CS6A Advanced Engineering Mathematics(Common to Computer Science and Engineering& Info. Tech)

  Units    Contents of the subjects
Introduction: Engineering application of optimization, Statement and classification of optimization problem, single variable and multi variable optimization with and without constraints.
Linear Programming: Formulation of Linear Programming problem, Graphical Approach, General Linear Programming problem, Simplex Method. Duality in Linear Programming and Transportation Problems.
Elements of Number Theory: Divisibility and Euclid Algorithm, Primes and the Sieve of Eratosthenes, testing for primes, Prime Number Theorem, Euler's, Fermat's Little theorems, Congruences, Computing Inverse in Congruences, Legendre and Jacobi Symbols, Chinese Remainder Theorem, Algebraic Structures in Computing (Definitions, properties and Elementary Operations Only): Groups, subgroup, order of group, cyclic group, ring, field, division algorithm, polynomial over a field. Galois Field
LAPLACE TRANSFORM: Laplace transform with its simple properties. Inverse Laplace transform, convolution theorem (without proof), solution of ordinary differential equation with constant coefficient, solution of partial differential equation having constant coefficient with special reference to diffusion, Heat conduction and wave equation. Boundary value problems
NUMERICAL ANALYSIS: Difference operators forward, backward, central, shift and average operators and relation between them. Newton's and Gauss forward and backward interpolation formula for equal interval, Stirling's formula for central difference. Lagrange's Interpolation formula and Inverse Interpolation. Numerical differentiation by Newton's, Gauss and Sterling's formula. Numerical Integration by Simpson's one third and there eight rule. Numerical Integration of ordinary differential equation of first order by Picard's method, Euler's and modified Euler's method, Milne's method and Runga-Kutta fourth order method. Solution of difference equation.


1. Elementary Number Theory with applications: Thomas Koshy, 2nd Ed., Elsevier.
2. Operation Research By Kanti Swaroop, P. K. Gupta & Manmohan, Sultan chand & sons
3. Integral Transform By Dr. R.K. Gupta, A.R. Vashishtha, Krishna Prakashan Mandir Meerut
4. Calculus of Finite Differences & Numerical Analysis By Dr. Gupta & Malik Krishna Prakashan Mandir Meerut